Restore Database (import) in pgsql

Install Swagger in Laravel

1 step: Create Laravel 5 Project

2 step: Install Swagger Package

Or you can install specific verion

For use of @SWG annotation we are going to install the following package

Create Mysql Function

Directly run in sql

Then use like

using in laravel

Angular 2 Routing : 404 page not found on refresh

Method — 1

In app.module.ts:

  • Add imports:

And in NgMoudle provider, add:

Example (app.module.ts):

If ngx-toastr is not working

Add this line in index.html file

Show dots (“…”) in css

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry...

Create Dynamic URLs from Database, like wordpress

if you have a script called index.php that took a parameter called slug…

You could then re-write requests using ...

IF Else and loop in angular 5

Price Range Slider


Display date format in Angular 5 html