Create if condition in Angular 5

Create Module in Anuglar 5

ng generate module modulename




Routing Module in Angular 5

Create Component in Anuglar 5

for pre component

short code

Setup Angular 5

Then install the Angular CLI globally.

Step 2. Create a new project 

Open a terminal window.

Generate a new project and default app by running the following command:

The Angular CLI installs the necessary npm packages, creates the project files, and populates the project with a simple default app. This can take some time.

Step 3: Serve the application 

Go to the project directory and launch the server.

Add custom html code to the wp_nav_menu function

Add Icon in custom wordpres plugin

using icon url

phpmyadmin not found

Create a link in /var/www like this:

sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/

Note: since 14.04 you may want to use /var/www/html/ instead of /var/www/

If that’s not working for you, you need to include PHPMyAdmin inside apache configuration.

Modifying the PHP Configuration php.ini

Modifying the PHP Configuration

The php.ini file can be edited to change the settings and configuration of how PHP functions. This section gives a few common examples.

Sometimes a PHP application might need to allow for larger upload files such as uploading themes and plugins on a WordPress site. To allow larger uploads for your PHP application, edit the php.ini file with the following command (Change the path and file to match your Loaded Configuration File. This example shows the path for Apache on Ubuntu 14.04.):

  • sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

The default lines that control the file size upload are:


How to prevent a click on a ‘#’ link from jumping to top of page?